The field of medicine is a vital discipline. Healing people, preventing illness, and treating maladies will always be a necessity. In fact, medicine has been around for so long that it predates science, relying predominantly on religion and philosophy for treatment. However, the advent of modern science (sparked in the mid-16th century), specifically in the field of biology, paved the way for massive medicinal milestones. As a result, Medicine continued to grow in tandem with the information and technology that were presently available. Even things like penicillin—something that most people take for granted—hasn’t yet existed for a hundred years.
So when medical equipment manufacturers need the best bumpers for the job, they source Budwig parts. With a devastating pandemic currently in full tilt, now is an especially crucial time to ensure our medical equipment is as durable as possible. Budwig has been fortunate enough to stay in business for over 50 years, and a huge part of that relies on the high quality of our rubber feet; this makes our Made-In-USA pieces excellent candidates for medical technology.
Thermo-Fisher Scientific is a global leader in life science research and technology. Their comprehensive catalog features lab instruments like circulators, incubators, furnaces, cryogenic storage, gas analyzers, and much, much more. Specifically, Thermo-Fisher uses Budwig’s TF6T with a custom barrel for their equipment. Similarly, Nextern is another reputable name in the medical industry that uses our parts. They specialize in full-spectrum development and flexible, global manufacturing, so when they need parts for any number of projects, they use the SF6T-TPR64-B. This is a custom part and the “TPR64” denotes the softest durometer we can make. Additionally, Med Exchange International is a worldwide buyer and seller of radiology and imaging equipment. They partner with Siemens, Philips, and Toshiba to keep top-of-the-line equipment on hand. When Med Exchange refurbishes equipment, they spec in Budwig part SF8T-TPR73-B. This is another custom part and the “73” hardness sits right in between the super soft “64” and our standard “87”. For more information about durometer, click here.