In the sales frenzy of the holiday season it’s easy to overlook the need to begin planning for the 2021 year. Don’t let this slip your mind, or you could find yourself out of stock of the component parts you need to manufacture your products. Planning early also allows you to estimate your needs for Q1 or even the full year so that you can put in larger orders and enjoy bulk discounts instead of placing smaller, more expensive orders on an as-needed basis.
If your product includes rubber bumper feet, we would be happy to manufacture and deliver as many as you need so that you are fully stocked at the beginning of 2021. We provide a lot of different options in the size, shape, color, and qualities of the rubber bumper feet that we manufacture. We can also turn around large orders quickly so you can keep a big supply on hand.
Set your business up for success in 20 by placing your rubber bumper feet order through Budwig Molded Products today.