Rubber Bumpers Can Help Reduce Product Returns

Rubber BumpersWhoops! We’ve all experienced that slow motion horror as we watched one of our prized electronic devices tumble to the ground. The result might be a cracked screen, a chipped corner, or that blue screen of death.

As a product manufacturer, the last thing you want it for your product to break the first time it hits a concrete parking lot or belly flops into the toilet. You don’t want to disappoint your customers, but you definitely don’t want them showing up at their point of purchase to demand a refund.

Refunds are a huge drag on a company’s bottom line, especially if you have to accept a damaged device that you’ll either have to refurbish and sell at a significant discount or toss in the trash altogether. It is, therefore, in your best interest to ensure that your products are as hardy and resilient as possible. Rubber bumper feet can help protect sensitive electronic devices from the harsh impacts of falls.

If you want to learn more about adding rubber bumper feet to your product, call Budwig Molded Products today.