Time to Stock Up on Rubber Bumpers for 2017

Rubber BumpersIt’s December, and while consumers jam pack mall parking lots and rush to find good holiday deals online, you can let out a sigh of relief. As a product manufacturer, you’ve already done all the hard work of ordering parts, increasing your inventory, and getting your products on the shelves for the holidays, but are you really done? As much as you may want to give yourself a well-deserved vacation, it’s time to start looking forward to 2017.

Consumers are getting more positive about the U.S. economy. As of November, 2016, consumer sentiment is up 2.7% for the year and consumer expectations are up 2.8%. When consumers feel more positive about their economic outlook, they tend to buy more, which means you may want to increase your sales expectations and your orders. If you need rubber bumpers for your products, now is the time to put in your order for 2017.Time to Stock Up on Rubber Bumpers for 2017

At Budwig Molded Products, we can produce rubber bumpers quickly and reliably so that 2017 can be your best year yet!